The body of Hatun Tuğluk was taken out of the grave after the racist attack on the funeral in the Incirlik Cemetery in Ankara and was sent on its way to Dersim last night. After the procedures were completed, the body was removed from the Ergazi Cemevi and left Ankara accompanied by a bus with the family members at 02.30. Four police vehicles from Ankara are escorting the body, which has has arrived in Darende, Malatya and is expected to arrive in the Merkez Cemevi in Dersim by 14.00. After the ceremony there, the burial will take place in the Sheng Cemetery.
Aysel Tuğluk received a two-day permit to leave the prison she is held in to attend the funeral in Ankara, but was not allowed to accompany the body. She will be accepting condolences in her home today.
Tuğluk wanted to bury her mother next to PKK founder Sakine Cansız, who was a close friend of Tuğluk’s brother Aytekin Tuğluk, one of the first cadres of the PKK, but couldn’t as the cemetery in Dersim did not have any space available.
The funeral in Dersim is expected to draw a large crowd.