Police attack unions trying to hold symbolic 1 May act in Taksim

Turkish police attacked the symbolic May Day celebration, which was planned to be held in Taksim Square, and many people were detained including DISK General Secretary Arzu Çerkezoğlu.

DİSK (Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions) headquarters in Beşiktaş was blockaded by the police before the 1 May symbolic celebration, which was planned to be held in Taksim Square. 

It would have been just a symbolic act, due to the prohibition and precaution imposed against the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite the police blockade around the building, DISK Chair Arzu Çerkezoğlu and union executives affiliated to the confederation left the building behind a red 1 May wreath.

However, Çerkezoğlu and the union executives were blocked by the police. Despite the negotiations, it was stated that unionists would not be allowed to march to Taksim. The police attacked when the unionists started walking towards Taksim despite the prohibition.

DİSK Chair Arzu Çerkezoğlu was taken to custody together with many unionists while the wreath was torn by the police. Among those detained are Secretary General Adnan Serdaroğlu, Dev Yapı-İş Union President Özgür Karabulut, Dev Sağlık-İş Union Secretary General Erdoğan Demir, Food-İş Union President Seyit Arslan, and Enerji-Sen President Süleyman Keskin.