Public meetings in Germany to demand "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan"

Public meetings were held in Germany within the framework of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question" campaign.

Public meetings were held in the German cities of Grevenbroich, Mönchengladbach and Mannheim within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question" initiative, which was launched globally on 10 October.


Former HDP Urfa MP Dilek Öcalan attended the public meeting held in the city of Grevenbroich. Abdullah Öcalan's sister Fatma Öcalan also attended the meeting. The participants were informed about the freedom initiative.


KCDK co-chair Zübeyde Zümrüt and Abdullah Öcalan's lawyer Ömer Güneş attended the public meeting held at the Mönchengladbach Democratic Kurdish Community Center within the scope of the initiative. Ömer Güneş gave information about the isolation and freedom campaign carried out against Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and said that the Turkish state's behaviour towards Abdullah Öcalan is a summary of its behaviour towards the Kurdish people in Kurdistan for a century. Explaining the historical resistance of the Kurdish people, Güneş spoke about the historical unlawfulness of the Turkish state and its policies of destruction towards the Kurds.

Zümrüt talked about the isolation of Leader Apo and the work carried out by the freedom campaign, and said that Öcalan's physical freedom would both solve the Kurdish problem and break the political blockage in the Middle East. Zümrüt underlined that the Kurdish people are determined about achieving the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.

As part of the "Global Öcalan Books Day", internationalists organized a reading event in the Wuppertal Democratic Kurdish Community Center.


The public meeting in Mannheim was jointly organized by the Mannheim People's Assembly and the Women's Assembly. At the meeting, where excerpts from Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's books were read, attention was drawn to the isolation that has been implemented in Imralı for 25 years.