Sister family campaign for 1000 families in Şırnak
Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê has launched a new sister family campaign for 1000 families in need in Şırnak.
Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê has launched a new sister family campaign for 1000 families in need in Şırnak.
The Şırnak city center has been laid to ruin by the attacks and demolition policies of the Turkish state in 2016.
Hundreds of people were murdered in front of the whole world to see, and thousands of homes were demolished.
Tens of thousands were pushed out of their homeland.
To not leave the people of Şırnak alone in the harsh winter conditions and to support them, to make thousands of children smile,
Let’s come together and become sister families with the people of Şırnak.
Like we supported Sur, Cizre, Gever (Yüksekova), Nusaybin, İdil and others, now it’s time to support Şırnak.
With the awareness to share our bread with the people of Şırnak and to maintain their dignity,
To not let them need anybody else,
To counter the policies to evacuate Botan,
The day has come to protect the people of Şırnak with all we have.
Let’s be sister families to 1000 families from Şırnak
Dear Kurdistanis and friends,
You too can become a sister family to the families in Şırnak through Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê.
Support the campaign!
You can become the sister family of a family in need in Şırnak and protect them.
Conditions for the project:
• The minimum financial aid is €150. For individuals with insufficient means, several can come together to reach this number.
• The aid must continue for at least one year. Continuing after the one year is up to the participants.
• The aid must be sent directly from the participant. For those who have no time or similar reasons, our institution will provide support.
• There should be a human component. Personal relationships should be developed with the family in need, they should be talked with and if possible visited.
Communications through:
Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê e. V.
Wilhelmstr. 12
53840 Troisdorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 2241 975 25 83
+49 (0) 2241 975 25 85
Fax: +49 (0) 2241 975 25 84
E-mail: [email protected]
Le Croissant Rouge du Kurdistan (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
46 Rue Joseph henaff– Drancy- Paris
Tel: 00 33 (0) 689 692 549
Stichting Koerdische Rode Halve Maan (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
Bokelweg 82, 3125 AD Schiedam
Tel: 0031 626 26 38 78
Kurdistan Rote Halbmond Schweiz – Croissant Rouge du Kurdistan Suisse (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê Swîsre)
Passage de Montriond 3-5 1006 Lausanne
Tel: +41-798635044
E-mail: [email protected]
Kurdiska Röda Solen ( Roja Sor a Kurdistanê)
Ankdammsgaten 33, 171 67 Solna
Tel.: +46 827 36 85
Fax: +46 827 33 26
Email: [email protected]
Roja Sor a Kurdistanê
Jurek Gasse 26 / 1150 Wien
Tel: 00 43 (0) 676 9126884
Støtteforeningen Mesopotamiens Sol – Komela Alîkariyê ya Roja Mezopotamya
Retortvej 45 1th 2500 Valby
Tel: 0045 33 22 89 98
Kurdish Red Moon (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
Fairfax Hall 11 Portland Gardens London N4 IHU
Tel: +44 783 389 78 98
Kurdiske Røde Halvmåne Norge (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
Hausmanns gate 6 0186 Oslo
Tel: 0047 98 46 33 28
Mezzaluna Rossa Kurdistan Italia Onlus (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
Via della cherardesca 4 Livorno
Tel: 0039 339 339 31 30
E-mail: [email protected]
ASBL Croissant Rouge du Kurdistan-
Koerdische Rode Halve Mann VZW (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê)
Rue Artur Maes 171 1130 Bruxelles
Tel: +32-487 569 059
Kurdistan Red Moon – Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê – ( クルディスタン 赤月)
Saitama ken kawaguchi shi shiba shinmachi 8-22 Sanko build 501
( 埼玉県川口市芝新町8ー22 三幸ビル 501)
Tel: +81 90 2149 9979
Anatolia Cultural Foundation
3701 Chesswood Drive Unit #308
Toronto Ontario M3J 2P6
Office: (647) 799-4010
Toll Free Number: (877) 354-7225
Fax Number: (877) 363-2936
Email: [email protected]