Suruç massacre to be protested in Kurdistan, Turkey and abroad

Today's massacre in Suruç district of Urfa, which targeted socialist youths on their way to Kobanê and left dozens of casualties, the number of which is yet to be confirmed, will be protested in North Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe.

Today's massacre in Suruç district of Urfa, which targeted socialist youths on their way to Kobanê and left dozens of casualties, the number of which is yet to be confirmed, will be protested in North Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe.

A march led by DBP (Party of Democratic Regions, formerly BDP) Amed provincial organization will take place in the main Kurdish city today. The march which will start from DBP building and end outside the DTK building will also be joined by members of the HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party), DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and KJA (Free Women's Congress, formerly DÖKH) as well as representatives of the institutions and organizations in the city.


Members of the ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed) will also protest the Suruç massacre by staging a march from ESP Headquarters to the AKP building at 18:00 today evening.


Another protest demo to condemn the massacre will take place in the German city of Dortmund at 17:00 today. The march led by Rozerin Women's Assembly will start from the Reingoldkirche with the participation of Kurds living in and around Dortmund.