The 70-article law on execution proposal has been approved

The 70-article law on execution proposal, which will affect a total of 90 thousand prisoners, excluded political prisoners.

The 70-article Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures, which amend 11 laws, including the Law on execution, was approved by the General Assembly. The opposition defined it as a "veiled amnesty".

The request for open voting put forward by the HDP, CHP, and IYI Party over the entire proposal was rejected.

Voting was done by electronically open voting. The proposal was approved with 279 yes and 51 no.

On Monday the third and final part of the proposal covering articles 55-70 was discussed. Discussion of the proposal saw articles 32, 46, 48, and 67 amended while article 54 was withdrawn.

A total of 210 amendments were rejected by the AKP-MHP.

The law will enable house arrest for some prisoners over 65, women with children aged six and under and ill prisoners who cannot take care of themselves, while sexual offenders, drug offenders, intentional killing offenders, violence against women and "terror" offenders have been excluded. Under the "terror" offenses of course the government lists prisoners whose only "crime" is their thoughts, their opposition to the current regime, journalists, legally, freely and democratically elected public administrators.