Turkish attack on Maxmur protested in front of UNHCR offices

TCŞ and JCA activists protested against the UN silence on the deadly Turkish attack on Maxmur refugee camp under UN control.

Members of the Europe-wide Kurdish youth movements Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) and Jinên Ciwanên Azad (JCA) protested against the silence of the United Nations on Wednesday’s air raid by the Turkish state that killed three women in the Maxmur refugee camp which is under the protection of the UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The activists gathered outside the UNHCR office in Geneva at 15:00 Saturday afternoon and hung a banner which read “Turkey bombs refugee camps, United Nations does nothing”.

In the Swiss city of Bern, the activists hung a banner outside the UNHCR office, which read “Defend Maxmur”.

The activists also posted banners throughout the city today, with the images and remarks of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.