Venezuelan talks continue while US keep financing opposition
While the Government and the Venezuelan opposition negotiate in Barbados, the US persists in its open interference.
While the Government and the Venezuelan opposition negotiate in Barbados, the US persists in its open interference.
The negotiations between the Government of Venezuela and the opposition, which began two weeks ago in Barbados sponsored by Norway, continue at the same time that the US continues to play an openly interventionist role, supporting a seizure of power by the opposition through unconstitutional means.
The highest government representative, Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication, and the representative of the self-proclaimed "President in charge", Juan Guaidó, made several comments on the negotiations, after which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway issued a statement on the subject putting a special emphasis on "the need for the parties to take the utmost caution in their statements regarding the process, in compliance with established guidelines", in an open reference to the confidentiality agreement between the parties.
Minister Rodríguez appealed "to take care of this effort of negotiation among Venezuelans", while the self-proclaimed "President in charge", Guaidó, called for increasing pressures in the street, calling for marches and actions on 23 July in the capital of the country, Caracas.
At the same time, according to reports published in the Los Angeles Times, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) decided to allocate the funds originally intended for development programs in Central America (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to finance the Venezuelan opposition.
The USAID anonimous official who revealed the decision, did not want to specify the figure of this "aid" but the same newspaper pointed out that the amount would be around 41.9 million dollars, and that it could be expanded if necessary.
That aid is granted despite the fact that several people "named" by Juan Guaidó are currently under investigation in Colombia for appropriation of several million dollars to cover actions of civil rebellion and attempts to encourage military rebellion.
Facts that have caused a deep uneasiness in several of the Latin American governments that have strongly supported the attempts of Juan Guaidó to seize power by force.