4 mercenaries killed as MMC fighters destroy a vehicle of the occupation forces

MMC fighters destroyed a vehicle of the occupation forces in a village of Manbij, killing 4 mercenaries.

Manbij Military Council released a statement providing information about the latest developments in the city.

According to the statement on Monday, Turkish-backed mercenaries attacked some villages in Manbij region this morning. MMC fighters responded to the attack on the village of Xalidiyê to the west of Manbij and killed some of the attacking group.

The attack on the village of Ereb Hesen also faced a response from the Manbij Military Council. A vehicle of the mercenaries was destroyed and 4 members of the group were killed.

According to the statement, the attack on the positions of Manbij Military Council along the Sajur river to the north of Manbij was repelled and some of the mercenaries involved in the aggression were killed.

The Turkish state and its army recruited from ISIS and other groups have increased their invasion attacks against residential areas in Northern and Eastern Syria in recent days, at a time when the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continues its operations to ensure the security of the people against ISIS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor.

Ankara-affiliated gangs carried out land attacks on many villages in the north and west of Manbij early on 1 September, World Peace Day, killing 4 children in the village of Mihsenli, located in the North East of Manbij. Continued attacks on the region claimed the lives of 5 civilians.