635 escape attempts by ISIS members thwarted in N. Syria

According to Roj Hesen, security officer for captured ISIS gangs, 635 escape attempts from the camps in Northern Syria have been thwarted so far.

The Turkish state's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria have made control of the camps and prisons where ISIS jihadists and their families are held, much more difficult. The Turkish attacks have also given the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) outside new strength, which is reflected not only in attacks but also in attempts to free prisoners. The Turkish state and its militias repeatedly attack the prisons and camps, which are under the control of the autonomous administration of North-East Syria, in order to help ISIS gangs escape.

Roj Hesen is responsible for the security of the captured ISIS members. She spoke with ANHA news agency about the impact of Turkey's attacks and the latest developments.

The invasion has created the basis for an escape of ISIS gangs

"The impact of the Turkish state's attacks on the region is severe," explains Roj Hesen. "As a result of the attacks, we lost control of the camp in Ain Issa and some of the ISIS families were able to flee the camp. We were only able to capture about 60 to 70 ISIS women again."

Hesen reports how the Turkish state started firing artillery and other heavy weapons at the camp on 13 October. She says that the intention of the attack was to enable the approximately 250 foreign ISIS families to escape. The invasion troops set fire to the camp to enable a mass flight.

The situation in the camps is critical

"Chaos broke out at the Roj Camp near Dêrik and at the Hol Camp near Hesekê due to the attacks," continues Hesen. "The ISIS families took advantage of the attacks and fled, trying to reorganize themselves outside the camp as well. The outbreak attempts of ISIS women were individual actions before Turkish attacks but they started to organize to flee together in the aftermath.”

Hesen tells that the security forces have thwarted 635 escape attempts by ISIS women and children since the launch of Turkey’s offensive, adding; “The ISIS women that have attempted to flee include foreign and Syrian ones. The security forces have closed the escape routes but the danger remains."

Hol Camp could get out of control any moment

Hesen says the following on the activities of the ISIS women in the camps: "The ISIS women indoctrinate the children into violence. The killings by ISIS women of other refugees in the camps also continue. Escape attempts take place every day. The danger in the Hol Camp is great. The camp could get out of control at any moment. The escape of the ISIS members can cause great harm to mankind due to their mentality".