Abdullah Öcalan: This process will most of all be the renaissance of the Yazidis

Öcalan sent a message to the Yazidi people, saying: “The Call for Peace and Democratic Society is also a response to the 73 Yazidi massacres. The process we have started will most of all ensure the existence and freedom of our Yazidi people.”

Abdullah Öcalan sent a message to the Yazidi people. 

The message is as follows: 

"This process will be, above all, the renaissance of the Yazidis"

The history of our Yazidi people is one that has been tested by massacres, exiles, immense suffering, and oppression. The Yazidis are among the oldest faith communities and the most ancient societies in Mesopotamia. They have paid a great price to preserve their culture, identity, and existence. The tragedies they have endured are etched not only in the collective memory of the Yazidi people but also in the shared conscience of humanity. 

Throughout history, they have been subjected to attacks, yet despite everything, they have managed to survive through resistance. In the last century, massacres amounting to genocide occurred as a result of assaults driven by nation-state mentalities. The massacre in Shengal in 2014 was a continuation of this mindset that sought to annihilate the Yazidi people. However, this time, our Yazidi people quickly embraced the struggle for freedom, organized themselves, and took up resistance. They developed a historic response to the massacre. The participation of women in this resistance is particularly significant. A process has begun where they are now building their own future with their own hands. 

The future of our Yazidi people will be shaped on the basis of a democratic society, grounded in their own inherent strength and democratic will. A social organization must be developed where they can freely practice their faith. At the stage we have reached, constructing a democratic system is of vital importance for the preservation and continuation of historical existence. 

A future can be built on the foundation of a democratic society perspective, where all peoples live in equality and freedom. The Yazidis must become an active force in the struggle for democratization and the construction of a democratic society based on free and communal living. Any approach that does not recognize the freedom of the Yazidi people or disregards their existence is illegitimate. Our Yazidi people must organize themselves in every sphere they are in and secure their future. The struggle for a democratic, free, and equal life is the shared responsibility of all our peoples. 

On this occasion, I salute the struggle of our Yazidi people. I want to express my unwavering support for their demands for freedom under all circumstances. The freedom of the Yazidis is intertwined with the freedom of the peoples of the Middle East. In this sense, the Call for Peace and Democratic Society is also a response to the 73rd Yazidi genocide. The process we have initiated will, above all, ensure the existence and freedom of the Yazidi people. This call is a Renaissance, and it will be, above all, the Renaissance of the Yazidi people. This process will achieve success through shared emotions and struggle. Once again, I send my best greetings."