At least 21 civilians kidnapped, more than 500 olive trees cut down in Afrin

The occupying Turkish state forces kidnapped at least 21 people and cut down more than 500 olive trees in Afrin since mid-March.

The Turkish army has been committing war crimes day after day since the occupation of Afrin in violation of international law in 2018.

Kidnapping, torture, looting and threats have become a daily routine in the city where at least 21 people have been abducted since mid-March alone.

Those kidnapped in recent days include one person in Mabata district on April 11, one from Cindirês district on April 8, one in Gurzêl village of Sherawa district on April 5, one in Shera district on April 3, and two people from Ashrafiyah district of Afrin on April 2.

The whereabouts of most of the abducted civilians is unknown. It is reported that ransoms were asked from the families for their release.

In the meantime, the Turkish army is continuing to plunder the basic means of livelihood in the region. At least 522 olive trees and other trees have been cut down in the last two weeks.

Furthermore, Turkey-backed mercenary groups confiscated many shops in Afrin and the other shops in the marketplace in Ashrafiyah district. The mercenary group Al-Shamiya confiscated around 75 shops and 45 lands belonging to the Afrin residents.

As Turkey-backed paramilitary groups are committing multiple crimes in the occupied region, it is reported that Mistefa El-Zihuri, known as Abu Casim, the head of the mercenary group Jabhat al-Shamiya, forced a Kurdish woman to marry him and threatened to arrest her if she refused.