Autonomous Administration condemns Turkish drone attack in Qamishlo

The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria condemned the drone attack carried out by the Turkish state. "We promise to continue our struggle in the footsteps of our martyrs," said the statement.

The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria condemned the attack by the invading Turkish state against the vehicle that killed 3 people in the city of Qamishlo.

The statement said: “The invading Turkish state targeted a vehicle in the Hilêliye district of Qamişlo with an armed drone on Tuesday in order to undermine the stability of the Northern and Eastern Syria Region and to continue the genocide. Three people from the same family, including Yusuf Gulo, who was well known for his patriotism fell as martyrs in the attack.”

The statement added: “The attack carried out by the Turkish state took place under the eyes of the International Coalition, Russia and the world. These attacks should be prevented as prevention of such attacks fall within the duties and responsibilities of the international community. The step taken by the Turkish state is dangerous. A clear stance should be taken against this.”

The statement continued. “We strongly condemn the attacks and crimes carried out by the Turkish state, which is trying to destroy the will and resistance of our people. We express our condolences to the families of the 3 martyrs, and promise to continue our struggle in the footsteps of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for an honourable life."