Autonomous Administration: International institutions should act to end Turkish rights violations

Following the Turkish attack on Manbij, in which a woman was killed, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria called on international institutions to put an end to rights violations against the civilian population.

The self-governing regions in Northern and Eastern Syria are under constant fire from the Turkish state. On Thursday, a woman was killed and five other civilians were injured in the latest attacks. A rocket hit Fateem Al-Dandan's house in Umm Alsateh. The 55-year-old woman died instantly and her 57-year-old husband was seriously injured.

Turkey and its mercenaries fired artillery at eleven villages near Manbij on Thursday and used around 200 projectiles. At least five other people were injured, including two 17-year-old twin siblings. Attacks like these represent a blatant violation of international law of war.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (DAANES) said in a statement: "The AKP regime is continuing its war against our regions with the intention of preventing peace being achieved in the region. The Turkish state is interested in provoking conflicts and thus escaping its internal crisis."

The regime in Ankara is trying by all means to revive war and terror

The statement added: "Continuing their genocidal war of aggression, the Turkish occupying state and its mercenaries attacked the Canton of Manbij and, before that, the Canton of Shehba. As a result of these attacks, one of our citizens was killed. Many others, including children, were wounded. These attacks are also directed against efforts in the fight against terror.

As the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, we condemn these attacks and underline that we will never give in defense of our achievements. We call on the forces striving for de-escalation and relaxation to take action and live up to their responsibilities. Because the silence of these forces means direct support for the Turkish occupying state. This situation not only creates suffering and problems in itself, but will also worsen the economic situation of migrants in our region. The attacks are causing chaos throughout the region, especially where the camps housing relatives of IS criminals are located."

The Autonomous Administration also "called on the relevant institutions of international law to put a stop to violations of the rights of the civilian population and in particular to the attacks on the right to life of the civilian population.

We express our condolences to the families of those killed and wish those injured a speedy recovery."