Iran's Supreme Court confirms death penalty against HPG guerrilla Rêgeş

Iran's Supreme Court has confirmed the death penalty against HPG guerrilla Rêgeş. The execution could take place at any moment.

Another Iranian judicial murder of a political prisoner is imminent. Iran's Supreme Court has confirmed the death penalty against HPG guerrilla Rêgeş (Ethem Özdemir).

The guerrilla, who comes from Ağrı (Agirî) in northern Kurdistan, was captured on 23 June 2019 in the Qeleniyê region in the Kevirê Spî area during clashes with the Revolutionary Guardsmen (IGRC).

The 27-year-old has been a member of the PKK for ten years. After 33 months in captivity, Rêgeş was brought before the "Revolutionary Court" in the city of Xoy and sentenced to death in a show trial on 15 March 2022.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Organization said Rêgeş is being held in Urmiye prison and the death sentence against him has been confirmed by the highest court.

His execution could now take place at any moment.