NES on Geneva talks: We won't accept any outcome that excludes us

Neither Baghdadi nor Erdogan or any other forces can break the will of the Kurdish people, who will continue the resistance to keep living in dignity and freedom,” underlined the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria released a statement on November 1 World Kobane Day, extending special thanks to all the individuals, institutions, and organizations that helped to declare November 2 as a day of solidarity with Rojava.

Recalling that numerous Kurdish fighters lost their lives to protect humanity from the brutality of ISIS during Kobani's resistance, the Autonomous Administration said that once again, the Kurdish people are subjected to another massacre and face great dangers, as the Turkish State, led by the fascist regime of President Erdogan, is targeting the security, democracy, and peaceful coexistence among the diverse ethnic and religious communities in North and East Syria (NES).

The statement noted that all the claims of Erdogan concerning the establishment of a "safe zone" as a peace corridor along the Syrian-Turkish border were proven to be utter lies.

The Autonomous Administration recalled that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the most dangerous terrorist who threatened the whole world, was killed in the Turkish-controlled region of Idlıb. Similarly, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, the spokesperson of ISIS, was also eliminated in the Turkish-held region of Jarablus, which Erdogan calls "the most secure".

It is now well known to the whole world that Erdogan supported ISIS in their barbaric attacks on the Kurds, Arabs, Christians and the other communities of NES, said the statement and added that Turkey has been instrumental in gathering ISIS mercenaries from around the world and giving them access to Syria and Iraq through its borders.

The Autonomous Administration recalled that ISIS has killed thousands of people, including children and women, all over the world, conducted its crimes in the most brutal way by burning or slaughtering, and sold women in markets as sex slaves.

The statement continued;

“The whole world knows that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), People's Protection Units (YPG), and Women's Protection Units (YPJ) defeated ISIS with the support of the international coalition against ISIS.

Surprisingly, after the elimination of ISIS, Erdogan began to target NES, where Kurds, Arabs and Christians live together peacefully on the basis of democracy and fraternity. Erdogan's goal is to exterminate the Kurdish people and other minorities in NES.

The SDF, YPG, and YPJ have lost more than 11,000 fighters and 20,000 wounded in the fight against terrorism. The world owes the Kurds and the other communities in NES, who have fought and made all this huge sacrifice on behalf of the entire world so that people everywhere can enjoy peace and security. The international community should assume its moral obligation to protect the Kurds and the other communities from the massacres and ethnic cleansing that the Turkish army and its affiliated extremist militias are conducting in NES.”

Referring to the Syrian constitutional process, the Autonomous Administration stated the following;

“Mr. Geir Pedersen, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, said that the Syrian crisis will be solved through the Constitutional Committee and the Geneva Conference. In this regard, we would like to ask Mr. Pedersen about the criteria that were used when selecting the participants in the constitutional committee and the Geneva talks. Is it fair to exclude the Kurds who fought against terrorism and made huge sacrifice and invite all the radical Turkish backed groups who are linked to Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham, and other extremist groups?

The Kurdish people and other communities have lost over 11 thousand fighters and 20 thousand wounded to protect NES, which include nearly 5 million inhabitants. We call on Mr. Pedersen to include the representatives of NES in the constitutional committee and Geneva talks because the Kurdish people will not accept or be committed to any outcomes if they are excluded. The absence of the representatives of NES will further deepen the Syrian conflict, and we will not be able to participate in solving the problems that could arise since we are not invited.”

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called on all the free people around the world, on November 2, the day of solidarity with Rojava, to stand against the massacres and all kinds of oppression on the Kurdish people.

“We believe in our strength and will safeguard the achievements that we have made throughout our struggle for democracy and freedom. Neither Baghdadi nor Erdogan or any other forces can break the will of the Kurdish people, who will continue the resistance to keep living in dignity and freedom,” underlined the statement.