Parties and organisations in Rojava protest Turkish attacks

Parties and organisations in North East Syria protested the massacre carried out by the Turkish state in the village of Helîcê in Kobanê on Tuesday night.

Press statements were made in Raqqa, Aleppo, Çilaxa, Til Koçer to protest the massacre carried out by the Turkish state and to condemn the silence of the international community.


Party members gathering in front of the Syrian Future Party protested the massacre carried out by the Turkish state with a press statement.

The statement, which emphasized that the Turkish state continues to carry out crimes in the region, also underlined that the international opinion’ silence is actually prompting Turkey to continue.

The statement called to hold the Turkish state accountable for its crimes.


Representatives of civil society organizations and political parties gathered in Aleppo to make a press statement. The statement was read by Emine Ebdo, member of the Young Women's Association. Pointing out that the attack coincided with the anniversary of the Kobanê massacre, Emine Ebdo said: “This is not a coincidence. It was a deliberate attack and the date was chosen. We will hold the Turkish state accountable for the attacks in Şengal, Maxmur, Kandil and Heftanîn as well. We condemn these fascist attacks and reiterate that we will increase the struggle against the invaders.”

Til Koçer

The text of the press statement held in front of Kongra Star building in the district was read by Kongra Star executive Mune al-Mizel. Saying that the Turkish state continues to attack women, al-Mizel emphasized that the invaders cannot stop the revolution.


The members of Kongra Star held a press statement in Çilaxa condemning the attacks carried out by Turkey. In the statement read by Kongra Star member Fatme Ali, it was stated that the attacks are the continuation of the invasion. The statement said that Turkey hopes to destroy the Kurdish people's achievements and underlined that NATO and the international community are co-responsible for the crimes committed.