People in Shehba demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan

The isolation, torture and genocide system in Imrali was protested with a march in Shehba. The people demanded freedom for Abdullah Öcalan.

A march was held in Shehba to demand freedom for Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. During the march, the Imrali system of isolation, torture and genocide was protested.

Posters of Abdullah Öcalan and a banner saying "Leader Abdullah Öcalan's freedom is the freedom of the people" were carried in the march.

The march continued until Serok Apo Park in the village of Til Sosîn.

Cebraîl Mistefa, a member of the Syria Initiative of Lawyers Defending Abdullah Öcalan, condemned the Imrali isolation and, after giving information about the work carried out by the Initiative, stated that the continuous disciplinary punishments given to Abdullah Öcalan were against international and domestic law.

Afrin and Shehba Canton Martyrs' Families Council co-chair Xedice Ibo also condemned the absolute isolation in Imrali and said: “We have come to these days thanks to Leader Apo's ideas and philosophy. We will always be on the streets with the spirit of serhildan for Leader Apo's physical freedom."