SDF completes the sweep operation in Deir ez-Zor countryside

On Sunday the SDF launched a large-scale military and security operation in rural areas of Deir ez-Zor. The campaign targeted ISIS sleeper cells and their weapons cache and the dens used by members and leaders of ISIS in the region bordering Iraq.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have completed today, May 12, the sweep of Wadi al-Ajij areas, northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor.

“With ground and air support by the International Coalition, the operation lasted for four days accompanied by the continuous flight of international coalition aircraft that conducted missile strikes targeting specific positions used by Daesh (ISIS) cells in the area,” said the statement published by SDF Press Office.

Accordingly, SDF forces were able to sweep parts of Wadi al-Ajeej area in order to detect smuggling routes used by Daesh to infiltrate inside north and eastern Syria, and to move terrorist cells to and from Iraq. SDF forces controlled these routes, preventing the terrorist organization from taking advantage of them.