Shelling and airstrikes on Rojava continue

Shelling and airstrikes on Rojava continue unabated. A vehicle bomb exploded at a gas station in Manbij.

Since 19 November, the Autonomous Regions of North and East Syria (AANES) have been under constant Turkish fire. Airstrikes are repeatedly flown into the region while artillery fires non-stop. At the same time, units of mercenaries repeatedly attack the defense forces, but are repeatedly repulsed.

Attacks on Ain Issa

On Friday night, villages in the vicinity of Ain Issa were heavily shelled by artillery. The villages of Dibis (al-Debs), Cedîdê (al-Jadida) and Mişêrfê in the west of Ain Issa were affected. The villages of Hoşan, Seyda and Fatse, which are also in the region, had previously been fired at from howitzers. In addition, two drone strikes are reported between Ain Issa and Raqqa. So far it is unknown whether there is any damage or loss in this connection. As previously reported, a Turkish artillery attack hit a mosque in the village of Tirwaziyê near Ain Issa on Tuesday. The village of al-Kuzliye (ku. Gozeliyê) near Til Temir was also attacked. The region around Ain Issa is of strategic importance due to its location at the junction of the M4 expressway, which is the Syrian east-west connection and where the road to Raqqa branches off. Therefore, this region is particularly attacked.

Kobanê and Girê Spî under fire

The areas around Kobanê and the occupied Girê Spî are also under fire from the Turkish artillery. The villages of Til Şeîrê (Til Shair), Ziyaret, Şiyûx Jêrîn, Çarxilî, Zormixar and the hamlet of Ehmed Mûnîr were attacked. In the process, grenades also fell near troops of the Assad regime in Ziyaret.

At Girê Spî the villages of Kor Hesen, al-Suwan, Saliba (Silêybî) and Evdikoy (Avdaq) as well as the village of Xanî were shelled.

Attacks and explosions in Manbij

A vehicle bomb attack was carried out near a petrol station near Manbij. According to information from the area, only property damage was caused.