Six more civilians abducted in Afrin

Mercenaries affiliated to the Turkish state have abducted six civilians in Rajo district of Afrin..

Occupation forces continue abducting civilians in Afrin. More than 500 civilians have been kidnapped in the last two months and the aftermath of the majority of them remains unknown.

According to local sources, Turkish-backed mercenaries carried out a raid in the village of Belilko in Afrin’s Rajo district on Friday evening.

Six villagers were abducted during the raid and their names are: Receb Horor (26), Behzad Dawhûd (33), Elî Hisên (24), Mihemed Hisên (23), Mihemed Reşîd Hemade (55) and Mustefa Hemada (24).

The inhumane practices of the Turkish forces and allied militias in Afrin have increased, especially in recent months. Bombing, kidnapping, torture and detention have become daily acts of the occupation forces. During the last two months alone, five hundred people have been abducted by the invaders. The aftermath of many of them remains unknown.

Attacks of the Turkish state and its mercenary allies against the Afrin city and region began on 20 January 2018 and the invasion of the city by land was carried out on 18 March.

Since the invasion, war crimes have been systematically committed in the region. The demographic structure of the region is being changed and crimes such as seizure of local people's properties, kidnapping of civilians for ransom, torture or executions have been going on on a daily basis.