TEV-DEM: Peoples of Syria should be united against killings of Alawites

TEV-DEM has condemned the massacres against the Alawite community in Syria’s coastal cities.

The Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement to condemn the massacre of hundreds of Alawites, many women and children, in Syria’s coastal cities. In the statement, TEV-DEM urgently called on the international community to take immediate action.

The statement emphasized that "these attacks on civilians violate human rights and moral values, further stating that crimes targeting civilians’ property and belongings are also unacceptable." TEV-DEM added that such massacres jeopardize peace and stability in the region and called on international forces to take action to stop these crimes.

TEV-DEM said the need to uphold the rights of all components of Syria, stressing that a decentralized system must be established to ensure the participation of all religious communities in the country’s reconstruction process. The movement also underscored the importance of finding just and equitable solutions.

The statement also reaffirmed Syria’s territorial integrity while condemning the interventions of the occupying Turkish state and its gangs. TEV-DEM called on "all parties in Syria to end the violence" and stressed "the need to oppose external interventions that threaten the country’s security and stability."

TEV-DEM underlined the need for a collective struggle to build a new Syria where justice and equality prevail and ensure the dignity of all individuals. The movement called on all communities to stand in solidarity.