Thousands of people celebrate 15 August in Northern and Eastern Syria

Thousands of people celebrated the anniversary of the start of the PKK's armed struggle in the cities of northern and eastern Syria. The Rojava Revolution is considered a result of 15 August 1984.

Large celebrations of the anniversary of 15 August 1984 were held in many cities in Rojava, including Qamişlo, Kobanê, Dirbesiyê, Afrin, Dêrik, Tirbespiyê and Hesekê. Marathons were held in some places, demonstrations and rallies in others.

Kobanê: 15 August was a turning point in the Middle East

In Kobanê, a celebration took place in Şehîd Egîd Square. Mihemed Said Şêxmus addressed the crowd on behalf of the Autonomous Administration and said: “15 August is an important date for the Kurdish people, but also for the entire Middle East. It is a turning point in the history of the Kurdish people. Where did the Kurdish people stand before 15 August and where do they stand now? When we look at this, we understand the importance of 15 August 1984.”

Xunav Xelîl from the Youth and Sports Council of the Euphrates Region underlined that the Rojava revolution was a result of 15 August. The region and its achievements would be defended against all attacks at all costs.

Qamishlo: "Come to the freedom offensive!"

In Qamishlo, the celebrations were held under the motto "Come to the freedom offensive in the spirit of 15 August". The Syrian Youth Revolutionary Movement celebrated the anniversary at Heysem Kiço Stadium. Thousands attended the event in the stadium decorated with pictures of Abdullah Öcalan and flags of Kongra Star, TEV-DEM, YPG/YPJ and SDF.

Sabir Mihemed from the Democratic Unity Party (PYD) Qamişlo said: “15 August is a day of resurrection for the Kurdish people, all peoples of the Middle East and humanity. If today all identities, religions and beliefs that live in this country celebrate this day together, it is because they consider this day the day of their freedom."