Three SDF fighters die, others wounded following ISIS suicide attack in Deir ez-Zor

An ISIS suicide bomber driving a VBIED targeted an SDF military post in the town of Al-Shahil, Deir ez-Zor's eastern countryside.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said three of its fighters fell as martyrs and others were wounded as the result of an attack by an Islamic State suicide bomber driving a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED). The attack happened in the town of Al-Shahil, Deir ez-Zor's eastern countryside.

The SDF said in the statement that "the terrorist bomber approached the main gate and attempted entry. Our forces heroically confronted him, preventing his access. Cornered, the terrorist detonated the VBIED in front of the gate, resulting in three of our fighters falling as martyrs, and seven others being wounded."

The statement continued: "As our forces treated the wounded and evacuated the martyred fighters, Syrian regime mercenaries stationed on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River opened fire on our medical personnel. This cowardly act resulted in the martyrdom of another one of our fighters.

We emphasize that the blood of our martyrs will be avenged. We will not tolerate any attempt by mercenaries or terrorists to disrupt the security and stability of our region."