Turkey has a fence erected around Bilbile district of Afrin

Turkey continues to push ahead with the annexation of Afrin. After the construction of a wall around the canton, now the Bilbile district is being sealed off with a barbed-wire fence.

Turkey continues to push ahead with the annexation of occupied territories in northern Syria. After the construction of a wall around the canton of Afrin a year ago set ground for the annexation of the Kurdish settlement area to Turkish state territory, the occupation troops are now erecting a concrete-supported barbed-wire fence around the Bilbile district.

Turkey is still continuing its demographic change policy in Afrin contrary to international law. The entire canton is exposed to a policy of systematic ethnic expulsions, and the composition of the population is changed by the settlement of Sunni Arabs in favor of the regime in Ankara. The people settled are mainly the families of the jihadists who support Turkey in its occupation efforts.