YPJ announces the death of commander Jinda Cudi in Turkish drone attack

“The Rojava Revolution was built on the legacy of figures like leader Jinda Cudi, and it will continue to raise the level of struggle to protect the achievements of the revolution,” said the YPJ.

The General Command of Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) announced that Jînda Cûdî, one of their commanders, was martyred in the UAV attack carried out by the occupying Turkish state on the Qamişlo-Amudê road on 3 October 2024.

The YPJ statement on Saturday includes the following:

“Despite all ideological genocidal attacks, the Women’s Revolution in Rojava insists on development and building a free life with great resistance. Therefore, the fascist Turkish state continues its attacks on the region using all dirty methods. In these attacks, the Turkish occupation state specifically targets the women of the revolution. The targeting of the leaders and fighters of the Women’s Protection Units today by drones belonging to the occupying Turkish state once again exposes international shame.

Our comrade and leader Jinda Cudi was targeted by a drone belonging to the occupying Turkish state on the road between Amuda and Qamishlo. As a result of this ongoing attack by the Turkish occupying state, the leader Jinda Cudi and our comrade Saleh Khalil joined the ranks of the martyrs.

Our comrade Khazal Belka, known as Jinda Cudi, was born in 1985 in the city of Şırnak, in a family with a high national culture. In the history of the struggle for the freedom of Kurdistan, Botan is considered a central basis for organizing the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. Our people in Botan have resisted aghas, emirs, the Ottoman rule, and the Turkish republic, and have always made resistance one of the foundations of the struggle. Over the years, this spirit of resistance among our people, especially in the 1990s, reached its peak and created figures like Berivan (Beşnevş Akal). In the personality of Jinda Cudi, this revolutionary spirit turned into a sustainable culture. The leader Jinda hails from Botan, where many of its heroic sons fought in the ranks of freedom and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their people.

In 1989, during the formation of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement’s army, the noble family of the leader Jinda participated in organizing the army against the Turkish occupation, under the leadership of the great leader Mahsum Korkmaz (Agid). The family of the leader Jinda became one of our noblest and most diligent families in the history of the struggle for freedom. Through their participation and struggle, Jinda’s family demonstrated the true meaning of the fight for Kurdistan’s freedom, and that paying the price ultimately brings freedom and victory. Jinda’s father, Youssef Belge, joined the ranks of the martyrs in 1998 while working within the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. This marked the beginning of a new journey for the Belka family in joining the ranks of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. Two of Jinda’s brothers, Firas and Rizgar, also joined the ranks of the martyrs in Botan at different times.

Building on the legacy of resistance, Jinda participated in youth activities in Northern Kurdistan during the 1990s. As a devoted follower of the values of the freedom struggle, Jinda joined the ranks of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement from Botan in 2003 to actively participate in the struggle for freedom. She began her struggle for the freedom of her people in the mountains of Kurdistan. In the free mountains, as a woman from Botan, she gained great experience within the ranks of the guerrilla war.

When the revolution in Rojava began based on the call of leader Apo, Jinda headed to the lands of Rojava Kurdistan. Among the ranks of the Women’s Protection Units, she became one of those brave women. In the steps toward liberation, Jinda took her place at the forefront of the battlefronts. Leader Jinda fought against ISIS mercenaries in battles such as Jazaa, Rabia, Mabrouka, Tel Kocher, Serekaniye, the Martyr Rubar line, and Al-Hol. During the hardest times of the war, Jinda fulfilled her military duties as a woman fighting for freedom. Despite being wounded, she did not stop fighting and continued her struggle in all resistance fronts without differentiating between revolutionary tasks. With her sacrifices and courage in protecting the homeland and organizing national work for democracy, she set a powerful example.

Our comrade Jinda Cudi was targeted by Turkish fascist drones on September 3, 2024, and joined the ranks of the martyrs.

The Turkish fascism targets the fighters and leaders of the Women’s Protection Units, who have made great efforts in the fight against ISIS, using these unreasonable methods. In this way, they highlight the truth about the Turkish genocide. Today, our resistance is resistance for living with dignity. We have managed to create a revolution as an alternative life for the beloved youth of the homeland. Of course, we will always defend our revolution with great determination, just as on the first day. We are a force of revenge, and the Turkish occupation should know well that we will never leave our revenge unfulfilled, and the blood of our comrades will not be shed in vain. We will hold Turkish fascism accountable for every invasion attempt.

As the Women’s Protection Units, we extend our deepest condolences to the dear family of leader Jinda Cudi, to our resilient people in Botan, and to our entire national people. We promise our comrades and leaders that we will fulfill their dreams and ideals of freedom. The Rojava Revolution was built on the legacy of figures like leader Jinda Cudi, and it will continue to raise the level of struggle to protect the achievements of the revolution.”

The identify information of the fallen YPJ Commander is as follows:

Codename: Jinda Judy

Name and surname: Khazal Belka

Mother’s name: Bahya

Father’s name: Youssef

Place and date of martyrdom: Amuda – Qamishlo / 03-10-2024