YPJ General Command pays tribute to martyr Delila Cûdî

The YPJ General Command said in a statement that Delila Cûdî (Zozan Kartal) fell as a martyr as a result of an accident on 13 June.

The Women's Defense Units (YPJ) General Command said in a statement that Delila Cûdî (Zozan Kartal) died as a result of an accident on 13 June.

The statement said that Delila Cûdî (Zozan Kartal) was born in Silopi and grew up in a patriotic family. She was in Kobanê where she participated in the revolution in 2014, when the city was surrounded by ISIS mercenaries and the Kurdish people faced genocide.

The statement added: "From the moment she became a revolutionary fighter until the last moment of her life, Delila fought to defend the revolution. She left her mark in the liberation of Raqqa and the resistance against ISIS mercenaries. Our comrade Delila, who joined the struggle at a young age and devoted her life to her country, lived with enthusiasm, excitement and positive energy. She improved herself in the military field and always kept her strong character. Her biggest dream was to make her country's children live in peace.

The statement said that the YPJ General Command and the comrades of martyr Delila Cûdî will always remain committed to the goals and dreams of the martyrs, and added: "The memories of our martyrs will always illuminate our path of struggle. We bow with respect to the memories of our martyrs and promise to always work and fight for a democratic and free life."

The following information was given regarding the identity of the martyr:

Name and Surname: Zozan Kartal

Code Name: Delila Cûdî

Mother's Name: Fatma

Father's Name: Abdullah

Date of Martyrdom: 13 June 2024