Arab women join the 'Leader Öcalan is a Guest in Your Home' campaign

The Arab Women's Council also joined the "Leader Öcalan is a Guest in Your House" campaign initiated by the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ).

The "Leader Apo is a Guest in Your Home" campaign, which was initiated within the scope of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement's (TAJÊ) campaign for freedom for Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's freedom and autonomy for Shengal, continues.

Within the framework of the campaign led by TAJÊ in Shengal, women are presenting brochures and photographs of Abdullah Öcalan to the houses they visit.

The Arab Women's Council in Shengal also participated in the campaign, within the scope of which house visits in the villages and neighbourhoods of Shengal continue.

Arab women presented brochures and photographs of Abdullah Öcalan's life to the families they visited.

In this context, families were visited in Bircari and Mediban, the border villages of Shengal.

A woman named Ahderya Muhammed stated that the support for the campaign was strong and said, "We are welcomed with great joy during our house visits. This is a very good step for us. We hope that our leader will return to us as soon as possible. He is always in our hearts."

Zihu Ahmet said that the most beautiful gift she received during the visits was a photograph of Abdullah Öcalan and said, "We will leave this photograph as a legacy to our children. The leader represents a special meaning to us. Thanks to the leader, we were able to return home, and we live freely. Without the leader, none of this would have happened."