Kongra Star: The AKP-MHP mentality is a danger to the whole world

Reacting to the verdict in the Kobanê Case, Kongra Star emphasised that the Turkish state wants to resurrect ISIS and said "The AKP-MHP mentality is a danger to the whole world."


The verdict was announced on May 16 in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, which was opened 7 years after the protests against ISIS attacks on Kobanê on 6-8 October 2014 and continued for 4 years. The Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court ruled for the release of 5 people and acquitted 15 people in the case where 108 people, 18 of whom are imprisoned, are on trial. While 13 of them are to remain in prison, former HDP Co-Chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ were sentenced to 42 and 30 years and 4 months in prison respectively. The court did not find 36 defendants, including Demirtaş, responsible for the loss of life during the protests in various cities and acquitted them.

Kongra Star, the umbrella organistion of women in North-East Syria made a statement on the verdict in the Kobanê Case and said the verdict once again reveals that the foundations of the fascist Turkish state are built on lies.

"The AKP-MHP fascist mentality poses a great danger not only to the Turkish and Kurdish peoples but also tp the whole world," the statement emphasised, adding, "With the verdict of the Kobanê Case, it was once again revealed with all its naked truth that Erdoğan and Bahçeli are ISIS mentality, that they lead gangs, that they have an extreme understanding of political Islam, and that they are murderers of women and children."

The statement continued: "The verdicts given in the trial are definitely political, not legal, and are for the protection and revitalisation of ISIS. Dozens of ISIS members responsible for the murder of women and children are travelling freely in Turkey today, protected by Erdoğan. However, intellectuals and democrats who serve the society wholeheartedly are kept in prisons. The AKP, which has no tolerance for freedom, multiculturalism and women's freedom, resorts to all kinds of dirty ways and methods that resemble Hitler's fascist method to destroy the wealth of the Middle East and Mesopotamia under the leadership of ISIS. Women who shape the society in Turkey, who struggle against the male state mentality, are wanted to be rendered dysfunctional by being thrown into prisons. As Kongra Star, we do not accept the conspiracy decision and strongly condemn it. We declare once again that we are determined in the line of free women and democratic politics for women to lead the society more strongly."