TJK-F holds its 5th Congress in Paris

TJK-F held its 5th Congress in Paris.

Approximately 100 delegates from women's councils and women's communes from 13 centers of France attended the congress of Tevgera Jinên Kurd li Franceyê (TJK-F) held at the Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Cultural Center. Delegates were wearing local dress.

Posters of Kurdish revolutionary women Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan, Leyla Şaylemez, who were murdered in Paris in 2013, like Evîn Goyî, Mîr Perwer and Abdurrahman Kızıl, who were murdered in the Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Cultural Center in 2022, and Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan were hung in the hall where the congress was held.

After the council election, the congress started with a minute of silence in memory of the Kurdistan freedom martyrs and continued with political evaluations.

Evaluating the political agenda, delegates underlined that the 21st century is the century of the women's revolution, that the Kurdish women's movement, along with the Rojava women's revolution, is followed with interest in women all over the world.

After reading and evaluating the one-year work report, a discussion was held on how to carry out work on the women's liberation axis in the new period.

After the election of three spokeswomen, the congress ended with the slogans "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi".