Turkey: 47 women killed by men in February

According to a recent report from the platform "Stop Feminicide!", at least 47 women were killed in Turkey in February.

The platform "Stop Feminicide!" has published its report for the month of February 2018. The report states that at least 47 women were killed in Turkey last month. 31 more women were exposed to sexual violence. Over 50 percent of the women who were killed were between 36 and 65 years old. Another 19 percent was between 25-35 years and 7 percent between 19-24 years.

The fact that the rate of female killings has risen sharply in contrast to the previous month is due to "the rising violence trend". According to the increase in misogynistic statements by the state, the violence has increased sharply. Instead of realistic solutions to violence, practices such as castration and the death penalty were discussed, and punitive measures were applied in cases of violence against women and children. Also, the demands of the population not being addressed and instead evasive statements being made, is leading to an increasing violence, according to the platform "Stop the Feminicide!".

According to further information from the platform, 30 cases of sexual violence against children were registered in February.

Of the women killed, 26 women were killed by their spouses. 13 of the women have become victims of persons from their circle of acquaintances or family.