Women in Diyarbakır will take to the streets on 8 March

Women in Diyarbakır vowed to take to the streets on March 8 to defend their rights.

Wars and conflicts in the Middle East have resulted in increased oppression and violence against women, depriving them of many fundamental rights, including their right to safety.

In Turkey and Kurdistan, women continue their efforts to push for legal reforms that would safeguard their rights. As they prepare to celebrate 8 March, International Women’s Day, they do so with a spirit of resistance against male-state violence.

Women from Diyarbakır (Amed) spoke to ANF about their views on International Women’s Day.

We will take to the streets

Şilan Aytemiz: "8 March is called International Women’s Day, but in our country, even on this day, women are being murdered. This must stop. Not only our women but also our children are being killed. Women are not valued in this country. Women do not exist here, but their 'day' does. There is no justice in this country. While severe punishments are given for other crimes, the judiciary remains silent when women are murdered. Women must unite. We must stand together in the streets, raise our voices for our demands, and fight. If necessary, we must resist. On 8 March, we will be in the streets."

Women demand peace

Hediye Kurt: "First and foremost, women want peace. The Kurdish people and women need peace. Our priority should be ensuring education for all women and girls. As women, we must raise our voices against oppression and injustice. We must stand together in unity. Our only path to liberation is solidarity. As long as we remain divided, oppression will continue. I hope that 8 March, International Women’s Day, becomes a historic turning point for women and that our struggle grows stronger."

Laws protecting women are not enforced

Eda Ekin: "8 March is an important day for women all over the world. However, women’s struggles and worth should not be confined to just one day; their value must be recognized every day. We want a country free of violence, where women are valued and respected. We, as women, are very powerful, and we must unite to strengthen our power even further. Unfortunately, existing laws in this country do not effectively protect women."

We must stand together

Suzan Koçak: "As women, we must protect ourselves. Women should be able to express their opinions freely. To prevent violence against women, we need to stand together and act collectively. Women must be free. There should be more organizations supporting women's rights and empowerment."

Laws protecting women must be enforced

Fatima Kantar: "The importance of 8 March is immense, but unfortunately, its importance is not recognized in our country. I hope that violence and massacres against women will come to an end. It is time to strengthen the fight against the male-dominated mindset. There must be more spaces where women can express themselves freely. Sadly, no woman in this country is completely safe. Laws that protect women must be implemented immediately."