ISIG: 742 children lost their lives in work-related accidents in the last 12 years

ISIG published the "Child Labor Workplace Homicide Report" covering the past 12 years. 742 children lost their lives in work-related accidents in the last 12 years.

The Workers' Health and Occupational Safety Observatory (ISIG) has published the "Child Worker Occupational Deaths Report" covering the years 2013-2024.

According to the report, at least 742 child workers lost their lives in work accidents over the past 12 years. 256 of the dead were between the ages of 0-14, 486 were between 15-17, and 86 were refugee/migrant children.

The report underlined that during this period, 402 children died in the agriculture-forestry sector, 88 in the construction/road sector, 53 in the metal sector, 51 in the hospitality sector, and 26 in the food sector. The report noted that the province with the highest number of deaths was Riha with 54 fatalities, followed by Istanbul with 44, Antep (Dîlok) with 43, Adana with 37, Konya with 30, and Antalya with 23.

The report said: "ISIG has a call to unions, professional organizations, education workers, democratic mass organizations, political parties, the entire working class, and our people who say, 'Our children are our future': let us fight together against child labor in every city. At this point, the need to organize panels, workshops, press statements, rallies, and form joint platforms is more urgent than ever.

We must all take responsibility and make 2025 a true year of struggle against child labor. We are ready to do our part."