PKK: Hozan Mizgîn is the most beautiful expression of free art and war

Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the death of the revolutionary artist and legendary commander Hozan Mizgîn (Gurbet Aydın), who fell in Tatvan on 11 May 1992.


The PKK Culture and Art Committee commemorated Hozan Mizgîn on the 32nd anniversary of her death in a written statement describing her as "the most beautiful expression of free life, art and war in Kurdistan."

The statement added that Hozan Mizgîn showed "the Apoist essence of Kurdish culture and art, the courage of the revolutionary free woman and the immortal guerrilla commander, the meaningful and beautiful voice of patriotism that touches the hearts most deeply. We commemorate all the martyrs of May with respect and gratitude in the person of comrade Mizgîn, a cascade of emotions, a monument of resistance, a symbol of invincibility and beauty. While commemorating comrade Mizgîn on the 32nd anniversary of her martyrdom, we would like to remind that 11 May is also the day of the martyrs of the culture-art movement, and on this basis, we commemorate all our martyrs of the culture-art movement with endless devotion and gratitude."

The statement continued: "First of all, she represented the ideology of women's freedom in her identity and personality, and thus, she managed to combine folk artistry with fighting, and successfully carried out every duty and responsibility required by the struggle. Commitment to the line of Hozan Mizgîn comrades and martyrs is possible by realizing their goals. Today, our people and all humanity, seeing their own freedom in the freedom of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], has made the duties and responsibilities of the culture-art community clearer and larger than ever."

Martyr Hozan Mizgîn

Martyr Mizgîn (Gurbet Aydın), who fell in Tatvan on 11 May 1992.

Born in Batman in 1965, Hozan Mizgîn went to school only for a few years, as her family did not allow her to continue studying because of the feudal oppression against women. She never accepted the life imposed on her. She met the Kurdish Freedom Movement at an early age, and in 1980 she went to join the freedom struggle. She wholeheartedly embraces the ideas of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and went to Lebanon to see him.

Noticing Hozan Mizgîn's beautiful voice, Abdullah Öcalan sent her to Europe for cultural and artistic studies. In Europe she set up the cultural movement with Martyr Hozan Sefqan, becoming one of the members of Koma Berxwedan. She also went through ideological training.

She was not just an artist, she became a commander, a fighter when appropriate, and did whatever it took for the freedom of Kurdistan.

After returning to Kurdistan from Europe, Gurbet Aydın carried out organizational activities in South Kurdistan and in the province of Mardin.

She won the people’s love in a short time with her determined and humble stance. She organized the masses and built extensive and successful relationships.

Hozan Mizgîn was also very popular among her comrades. She became the target of the enemy due to her great influence on people.

The revolutionary artist and legendary commander fell a martyr in Tatvan on 11 May 1992, after a great resistance.

Thousands of Kurdish children, who grew up with Hozan Mizgîn's voice and music, are fighting and resisting today with her spirit.