RJAK supports Green Left Party in May 14 elections

The Kurdistan Free Women's Movement said that it would support the Green Left Party in the 14 May elections.

In a written statement, the Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) announced its support for the Green Left Party, under the umbrella of which the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) is contesting because of the ongoing closure case against the party before the Constitutional Court of Turkey.

The statement said: “We announce that we will support the Green Left Party in the May 14 elections. We believe that just as women in East Kurdistan shook the Iranian regime with the slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" (Woman, Life, Freedom), women in North Kurdistan will bring down the AKP-MHP fascist rule. This will offer a great historic opportunity.”

The statement added: "Just as Leyla Qasim became a historical figure for the women of South Kurdistan, women in North Kurdistan will follow in the footsteps of Leyla Qasim in the same manner and will overthrow the oppressive system."