Autonomous Administration: "Draft Constitution" identical to the laws of the Baath regime

The Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria issued a statement on the "Draft Constitution" signed by the Damascus government, criticizing the fact that it is very similar to the Baath regime's laws.

The Autonomous Administration issued a statement regarding the signing of the "Draft Constitution" by the Damascus government as part of the transition process, saying that "This draft neither represents our people nor reflects the true identity of Syria."

The statement said: "Months have passed since the downfall of the Baath regime. The Syrian people rose against that regime and its oppressive practices, and were happy about its end. However, on Thursday in Damascus, the 'Draft Constitution' declaration was published. The articles in this so-called temporary draft constitution are identical to the laws on which the Baath regime was founded. This document is far from Syria’s reality and diversity. It doesn’t reflect Syrian society and its national identity. This draft constitution does not contain any elements that reflect the spirit and identity of the Syrian people, including Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, and Assyrians."

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria underlined "the necessity of solidarity and unity among the Syrian people in order to determine a democratic future for Syria and to strengthen national participation and cooperation within the country. 

Furthermore, we highlight that this temporary draft law disregards Syria’s diversity and the participation of its national components. Thus, this declaration once again reflects the 'monist mindset' that is a continuation of the previous system, which the people had already rejected. 

This temporary draft constitution neither represents our people nor recognizes Syria’s true identity. It is a way to weaken the efforts to establish real democracy in Syria. Moreover, its content is completely detached from Syria and the aspirations of its people. 

The correct constitution should be one that is agreed upon by all components of Syria, serving as a foundation for the country’s future and a lasting democratic path for generations to come. We hope that certain exclusionary, narrow-minded perspectives will not drag us back to square one, as this would leave Syria’s wounds open once again."