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Hewlêr Reporters Organisation: The killing of journalists is against international laws
Hewlêr Reporters' Organisation said that the killings of journalists in and outside the Kurdistan Region continue and called on international organisations to put pressure on Iraq's neighbouring countries to keep the war away from civilians. -
Yazidi journalists: Turkey’s attacks will not stop us
"The Turkish state is attacking journalists with the support of the KDP," said the Yazidi journalists paying tribute to two of their colleagues who were killed in a Turkish drone attack yesterday. -
Women journalists call for action to end the attacks against the Free Press
Women journalists stated that the pen and camera of Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn, who were murdered by the Turkish state in Southern Kurdistan, will not remain unclaimed. -
CPJ: Turkish authorities should swiftly investigate the deadly attack against journalists
CPJ stated that their email requesting comment from the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations regarding Friday’s deadly attack against journalsits in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq did not receive a response. -
YRJ: The Turkish state and the KDP are the murderers of journalists and women
YRJ condemned the murder of two journalists in a Turkish attack in South Kurdistan and emphasised that the perpetrators are the occupying Turkish state and its spy, the ruling KDP in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. -
KON-MED calls on everyone to protest the murder of journalists Bahadîn and Tara
KON-MED called on all parliamentary groups and the Kurdish people to take to the streets and protest the murder of two female journalists in Sulaymaniyah. -
KNK calls on the international community to condemn attacks against journalists
The Kurdistan National Congress issued a statement condemning the Turkish attack that killed two Kurdish journalists in Sulaymaniyah. -
KCDK-E condemns the murder of free media workers Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn
The KCDK-E condemned the murder of free media workers Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn and called "on all countries to take action to organize protests." -
MKG and DFG: No pressure, threat or attack can silence the voices of journalists
The MKG and DFG said in a statement that "press freedom is one of the cornerstones of democratic societies, and no amount of pressure, threat or attack can silence the voices of journalists who are determined to uncover the truth." -
CFWIJ urges Turkey to cease its ruthless targeting of journalists
The Coalition for Women in Journalism (CFWIJ) demands the Turkish army cease its ruthless targeting of journalists in the Kurdistan region and calls for swift justice and accountability. -
RSF alarmed by surge in violence against journalists in Iraqi Kurdistan
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Kurdish authorities to protect journalists working in northern Iraq. -
YRD: Comrade Rosîda embodied ideological depth and determination
YRD paid tribute to martyr Rosîda Mêrdîn. -
Mezopotamya Agency website blocked once again
The domain of the Mezopotamya Agency, "", has been blocked. The agency quickly replaced it with a new one. -
RSF: Ten years of state hostility towards the press under President Erdogan
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Turkish President to take swift action and to carry out in-depth reform to protect independent journalists and guarantee the right to information in the country. -
Daughter of journalist Hüseyin Deniz pays tribute to her father
Zozan Deniz, daughter of journalist Hüseyin Deniz, who lost his life in an armed attack in 1992, said: "The pride my father gave us is enough for us. We will continue to follow the path he opened." -
Access to 953,415 websites and domains blocked in Turkey in 2023
EngelliWeb said that access to 953,415 websites and domain names were blocked in Turkey in 2023. -
JINNEWS journalist Derya Ren released from prison
JINNEWS journalist Derya Ren, who was held in Diyarbakır Women's Closed Prison, has been released. -
MKG and DFG condemn the death sentence against journalist Pakshan Azizi in Iran
Growing reactions against the death penalty handed down by the Iranian state to journalist Pakshan Azizi and activist Sharifa Mohammadi. -
Autonomous Administration condemns the prison sentence against journalist Sileman Ehmed
The Press Office of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria stated that the sentence given by the KDP judiciary to journalist Sileman Ehmed is contrary to all international standards and laws related to the profession of journalism. -
Lawyers to appeal the prison sentence against journalist Sileman Ehmed
Journalist Sileman Ehmed, who was abducted by the KDP 279 days ago, was sentenced to 3 years in prison today. His lawyer Neriman Ahmet stated that they do not accept any accusation and that they will appeal the verdict. -
RojNews editor kidnapped by the KDP last October sentenced to three years in prison
The trial of journalist Silêman Ehmed, who was abducted by the KDP in October 2023, was finally held in Duhok on Monday. He received a prison sentence of three years. -
Shengal journalist Ali Ibrahim dies
Ali Ibrahim, a free media worker in Shengal, has passed away. -
Court blocks Mezopotamya Agency domain
The website of Mezopotamya Agency, called "" was blocked by a court decision. -
Extradition hearing of Kurdish journalist Serdar Karakoç to be held on Wednesday
Tomorrow, a court in Amsterdam will decide on the extradition of Kurdish journalist Serdar Karakoç to Germany. The “Freedom for Serdar Karakoç” initiative is calling for solidarity. -
Journalist Topaloğlu deported to Marmara Prison
Journalist Sadık Topaloğlu, who was remanded in Istanbul on 13 July and held in Metris Prison, was deported to Marmara Prison No. 5. The DFG journalists association demanded his release.