One ISIS cell leader eliminated and two other members captured in Deir ez-Zor countryside

The SDF reiterated their commitment to pursuing ISIS cells through successful operations aimed at preventing ISIS from threatening civilians and destabilizing the region’s security and stability.


On May 16th and 17th, the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) counter-terrorism units (YAT), with support from the international coalition forces, conducted two successful security operations in the Deir ez-Zor countryside. These operations targeted a leader of ISIS cells and dismantled another ISIS cell.

First Operation:

Based on intelligence, YAT units targeted, on May 16th, an ISIS cell leader named Amjad Hassan (aka Abu Zainab) in the town of Al-Busaira, eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. The terrorist Amjad was responsible for the VBIED attack on a SDF military post in al-Shuhail on May 10th, which resulted in the martyrdom of three SDF fighters.  The YAT units surrounded Amjad’s place and called for his surrender, yet he refused and opened fire at SDF forces who dealt with the situation professionally and eliminated him.

Second Operation:

On May 17th, the YAT units conducted an operation in the al-Dashisha desert, the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. This operation targeted an active ISIS terrorist cell with close ties to the terrorist Amjad. The cell was responsible for facilitating the movement of ISIS operatives between Syria and Iraq. The operation resulted in two terrorists linked to ISIS being captured, a hideout used by ISIS for movement being destroyed, and weapons and mobile phones being seized.

According to SDF Media Center, the following were confiscated during the operations:

  • AK 47 /1/
  • Pistol /1/
  • Pistol magazines /2/
  • Hand grenades /2/
  • Night vision binoculars /1/
  • Sniper binoculars /1/
  • Wi-Fi Router /1/
  • Mobile phones /5/
  • A quantity of ammunition and explosive materials

“Our SDF forces reaffirm their commitment to pursuing ISIS cells throughout north and eastern Syria through successful operations aimed at preventing ISIS from threatening civilians and destabilizing the region’s security and stability,” the statement said.