Kurds take to the streets in Zurich for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan

Demonstration in Zurich as part of the international campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question".

The Kurdish Women's Union in Switzerland (YJK-S) organized a demonstration in Zurich, Switzerland as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question" campaign launched globally on October 10.

Hundreds of people gathered at Turbinenplatz on Saturday and held a minute of silence for the martyrs of the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle before kicking off the march.

On behalf of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question" Committee, Selma Sürer, Co-Chair of the Democratic Kurdish Council in Switzerland (CDK-S), saluted the ongoing campaign and made a speech at the protest site.

Pointing out that Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan has been imprisoned for 24 years and subjected to isolation for nearly 3 years as part of policies seeking to break the Kurdish people's will, Sürer stated that these policies will be frustrated if the campaign launched on October 10 succeeds.

Stating that Abdullah Öcalan's ideas have reached all the peoples of the world today, Sürer said that the imperialist powers remain silent against the torture of isolation due to their own interests.

"Today, as Kurdish women, Kurdish mothers and Kurdish people from 4 parts of Kurdistan, we will continue our struggle around the paradigm created by our Leader," Sürer emphasized, adding that this resistance is not only the resistance of the Kurdish people.

Sürer continued: "Just as there is a resistance in Bashur, Bakur, Rojava, Rojava, Rojhilat, 4 parts of Kurdistan and in dungeons for the success of the campaign launched by the friends of the Kurdish people on October 10, another pillar of this resistance is in the diaspora. The campaign will succeed with the power of the resistance we will continue here. We will continue our struggle with determination without taking a step back from our struggle based on the paradigm of our Leader around the campaign 'Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question until Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) regains his freedom, free Kurds and free Kurdistan exist."

After Sürer's speech, the crowd carrying posters of Abdullah Öcalan and banners reading in German "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish question" and "Defend Kurdistan" marched with slogans saluting the hunger strikes in prisons in Kurdistan and Turkey.

During the march, which lasted for about an hour and a half, press texts in German were read on behalf of the campaign committee and speeches were made on behalf of the organizations.

After the march, the crowd ended the protest after a call for participation in the central march to be held in Geneva on December 13th on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the vigil organised by the Democratic Kurdish Community since 25 January 2021.