Soldier who raped a 16-year-old girl in Van not investigated

After the rape of a then 16-year-old girl by an officer of the Turkish army in Van, no investigations are initiated. The rape is claimed to have been "consensual sexual intercourse".

N.A. from Van in Northern Kurdistan who is 17 years old today fled from domestic violence to a children's home. Due to a pregnancy the authority initiated internal investigations. In her testimony, the teenager reported that she had been sexually abused both by the Turkish officer T.A. and by a person named A.P.

Since the girl, who was 16 years old at the time of the report, herself refrained from filing charges against the soldier, the judicial authorities assume that she had "consensual sexual intercourse". While an arrest warrant was issued against the first rapist, the military remains unpunished. 

Similarly, the Turkish sergeant who raped the Kurdish girl Ipek in Batman remains unpunished. The rapist soldier was released from custody on Wednesday. NGOs and the women's movement see this as a real encouragement to the perpetrators.