Activists in Europe protest the invasion attacks by the Turkish state on South Kurdistan
The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish state against the Medya Defense Areas were protested in Hannover, Limassol and Drancy suburb in Paris.
The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish state against the Medya Defense Areas were protested in Hannover, Limassol and Drancy suburb in Paris.
The invasion attacks launched by the Turkish state on South Kurdistan are being protested in Europe.
Young people joined the action held at the HBF in Hannover. A banner saying "Fascist Turkish soldiers get your hand out of Kurdistan".
In the city of Limassol in Cyprus, Kurds were also demonstrating against the Turkish invasion attacks. The people gathered in Molozpark.
Kurdish politician Lezgin Serhat made a speech. Serhat said that the Kurdish people and revolutionary forces should be united against the invasion of the Turkish state.
Reacting to the silence of the international forces against the invasion and genocide attacks, Serhat said: “It is a betrayal attitude that of the South Kurdistan forces that remain silent and approve of this massacre and occupation. They should abandon this attitude immediately. The honorable Kurdish people will give the necessary answer to this treacherous attitude.”
The invasion attacks of the Turkish state was protested in the suburb of Drancy in Paris.
The action, organized within the scope of the "Bi Hev Re Serhildan" initiative was held in front of the Drancy Kurdish Cultural Association. Young people were carrying a banner saying "Stop the fascist Turkish attacks in Metina" in French.
Young people marched to Drancy Municipality.