New indictment for former DBP co-chair Sebahat Tuncel

Sebahat Tuncel was arrested again in autumn 2016 and sentenced to 15 years in prison in February 2019.

Diyarbakir public prosecutor's office has accused former DBP (Democratic Regions Party) Sebahat Tuncel, who has been in imprisoned for almost four years, of insulting the president.

According to the new indictment, Tuncel in October 2016 - shortly before being arrested - protested the detention of the then co-mayors of Amed, Gultan Kişanak and Firat Anli, calling the president of the Republic of Turkey an "enemy of women and Kurds" in a speech. The charge carries a prison sentence of between one and four years.

Sebahat Tuncel said that the legal pursuit of such a statement would curtail freedom of expression and limiting the right to do politics. She said she could not see any criminal offense in her declaration.

Sebahat Tuncel was arrested again in autumn 2016 and sentenced to 15 years in prison in February 2019 together with Gultan Kisanak for charges of terrorism.