Police attack HDP’s Conscience and Justice Watch in Izmir
The police have attacked the HDP’s Conscience and Justice Watch in Izmir. Two people were detained and journalists are not allowed into the area.
The police have attacked the HDP’s Conscience and Justice Watch in Izmir. Two people were detained and journalists are not allowed into the area.
The police attacked the Conscience and Justice Watch held by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Izmir’s Gündoğdu Square.
When journalists who don’t have a yellow press card were not allowed into the demonstration grounds, the HDP MPs announced that they were going to hold the group meeting outside the designated area. The police attacked HDP members who protested their provocative approach with slogans. During the harsh police attack, two people were detained.
The detainees were seen to have wounds on their eyebrows. The police also battered the Human Rights Association (İnsan Hakları Derneği - İHD) administrators.
İzmir’de, saat 12:30’da yapacağımız grup toplantımız, zorbalıkla 2 saat boyunca engellendi. pic.twitter.com/RtjaOsk6aE
— HDP (@HDPgenelmerkezi) August 15, 2017
HDP MPs continue their efforts against the police preventing journalists’ access to the demonstration grounds. The MPs announced that they are going to hold the group meeting in front of the Izmir Governorate building if the journalists are not allowed into the demonstration grounds.