Student activists call for boycott on 1 April
University students called for participation in a press statement they will make on 1 April at Kadıköy Rıhtım at 5 pm to demand the release of their friends who were detained and put to house arrest.
University students called for participation in a press statement they will make on 1 April at Kadıköy Rıhtım at 5 pm to demand the release of their friends who were detained and put to house arrest.
University students handed out leaflets in Kadıköy demanding the release of their friends who were detained during the Boğaziçi resistance, and called for participation in a press release they will make on 1 April.
Students took to the streets around Kadıköy chanting slogans, such as "We are coming to take our freedom, our friends, our campuses".
The students gave the following explanations: “Our resistance has been continuing since 4 January. We have reminded the trustee power that we are the main actors in a university, which does not recognize our will. Then we woke up with house raids. However, we managed to get our friends released with the solidarity we showed when they raided our homes in the morning and detained some of us. During this period, while more than a thousand university students were detained in dozens of provinces, dozens of our friends were put under house arrest. 11 of our friends were arrested because they did not want the trustee rector. We did not stop fighting for our detained friends."
The statement added: "During the period of resistance, we have confronted the pressure and violence with the solidarity we have established in dozens of universities. We have expressed solidarity with the workers and laborers, the Kurdish people, women and LGBTI + and we resisted together with our brothers and sisters. We freed our 8 detained friends with the resistance and we continue our struggle. However, 3 friends are still in prison. We are going to the hearing at the Anatolian Courthouse on Friday, 2 April to get our friends.
With the trustees appointed to our universities, the will of the university components is ignored. Universities are governed by prohibitions and disciplinary investigations, producing information not for the people but for the capital, and even the entire administrative staff is directly determined by the government. We say that students, laborers and academics should be included in the decision-making mechanisms."
The statement ended with the following remarks: "With the start of the resistance, we have all seen and experienced police violence. Detentions, house arrests, investigations have led to a growing solidarity of the oppressed and students and the rise of resistance. In this process, we defended the seven colors of the rainbow altogether against phobic policies and attacks against LGBTI +. The resistance is liberating, we are coming to take our freedom with our struggle!"