Afrin Canton Council condemns international plot against Öcalan

Protests for Kurdish leader Öcalan are spreading.

Afrin Canton Council condemned the October 9th 1999 international conspiracy which resulted in Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan being arrested and taken to Turkey where he is held in aggravated isolation in Imralı Island Prison since.

The press statement, read in Arabic, Kurdish and English, condemned the conspiracy and isolation, stressing that the goal of the conspiracy was to obstruct the democratic and political solution in the Middle East and enable the hegemonic forces to extend their domination in the region.

Remarking that the fascist Turkish state continues its atrocities against the Kurdish people, the statement noted that the demographic makeup in Kurdish territories is also being changed.

Referring to the Resistance of the Age in Afrin, the statement underlined that the struggle will continue until the Turkish army and allied mercenaries are expelled from Afrin.

Afrin Canton Council condemned the international silence on the isolation of Öcalan and the occupation of Afrin, adding; “We promise our people that we will enhance our struggle for the liberation of Afrin and freedom of Leader Öcalan.”