“KRG should stop acting in the interests of the enemies of Kurds”

The South Kurdistan government has taken no decision against the bases established by the occupying Turkish state on South Kurdistan lands. Instead it has hit the institutions of the Kurdish people, in line with the request of the occupying Turkish state.

Sulaymaniyah security forces have closed the offices of Tevgera Azadî and RJAK (Free Women's Organization of Kurdistan) following the decision taken by the South Kurdistan government.

The Jazeera Canton Intellectuals Union issued a press statement to condemn the decision taken by the government of South Kurdistan and called on the government to revert it.

Jazeera region Intellectuals Union co-chair, Leyla Ibrahim, read the statement.

She said that the decision to shut down the Tevgera Azadi office does not go in the direction of serving Kurds and unity interests.

“This decision - she said - only serves the fascist Turkish state. The South Kurdistan government has taken no decision against the bases established by the occupying Turkish state on South Kurdistan lands. Instead it has hit the institutions of the Kurdish people, in line with the request of the occupying Turkish state.”

In the statement, intellectuals called on the government of South Kurdistan to revert its decision. “The South Kurdistan government should stop acting in the interests of the enemies of the Kurdistan people, namely the invading Turkish state.”

Ending their press conference, the Jazeera Canton Intellectuals Union called on institutions, parties and politicians in all four parts of Kurdistan as well as on the South Kurdistan politicians to “fulfil their historic responsibilities and ensure that the National Congress is held to put an end to the games played on the fate of the Kurdish people.”