33 parties and organisations respond to Turkey’s threats: We will protect our democratic experiences

Stating that the Autonomous Administration does not pose a threat to any country, 33 political parties and organisations vowed to protect “our democratic project’ against Turkey’s threats against the region.

Municipal elections in the Democratic Autonomous Administration Region of North and East Syria were held for the first time in 2015. As a result of these elections, municipal councils were formed and co-mayors were elected. In 2017, commune and city council elections were held and co-mayors were elected according to the representation of the councils. Thus, municipal work began and continued within the revolution. On 11 June, local elections will be held in 7 cantons where the Autonomous Administration provides services to the people through 121 municipalities.

As preparations for the elections in the region continue, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan renewed his threats against the autonomous administration regions, saying, "“We closely follow the terrorist organisation's aggressive actions against the territorial integrity of our country and Syria under the pretext of the popular vote. Turkey will never allow the separatist organisation to establish a terrorist state in the north of Syria and Iraq just beyond its southern borders. When it comes to the territorial integrity of our country and the security of our nation, we do not listen to anyone, we do not bow to any threat. In the face of fait accompli, we have done what had to be done before, and we will not hesitate to take action if we face the same situation.”

33 political parties and organisations in North-East Syria issued a written statement condemning the threats and claims of the Turkish state against the local elections in the region. The statement emphasised that Turkey threatens Syria on different grounds, but its main goal is to occupy Syria and implement its policies on the territories of the country.

Remarking that the Autonomous Administration is a project of integrity and does not have a separatist element, the statement emphasised the importance of preserving the unity and sovereignty of Syria. It also stressed that the conflicts inside Syria must be resolved through dialogue as the Turkish state is trying to worsen the situation.

The statement pointed out that the Turkish state described the Autonomous Administration project as a separatist project, but this claim is invalid. Noting that there is no article promoting separatism in the programs of the parties participating in the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, the statement emphasized that the unity of Syria should be preserved, its sovereignty should not be violated and the conflicts in Syria should be resolved through internal dialogues.

The statement stressed that the local elections in the region do not pose a threat to the neighbouring countries and that the democratic project of the Autonomous Administration will be protected, highlighting the importance of the North and East Syrian components going to elections as a democratic process.

Finally, the statement called on Turkey to take a positive approach to this democratic experiment, stating that threats do not bring security to the region: “We reject any interference in our internal affairs. It is our right to carry out appropriate work to serve our people without harming the environment. We guarantee that we will protect our democratic experiences in every way. We also call on the UN and the International Coalition to fulfill their duties to end the attacks of the Turkish state on us. We call on our citizens to embrace the Autonomous Administration more strongly in this difficult process.”

The political parties that made the joint statement are as follows:

Democratic Union Party (PYD)

Democratic Green Party

Kurdish Democratic Peace Party

Kurdistan Liberal Party

Communist Party of Kurdistan

Syrian Kurdistan Democratic Party

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party

Syria Kurdish Democratic Left Party

Future Syria Party

Kurdistan Democratic Change Party

Kurdistan Innovative Movement

Kurdistan Workers' Union

Syrian National Congress

Syrian Democratic Modern Party

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Alliance Party

Syrian Reform Party

Assyrian Democratic Party

Kurdistan Fraternity Party

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Day Party

Democratic Society Movement

Kongra Star

Conservative Party

Democratic Struggle Party

The Wave of the Future of Kurdistan

Democratic Change Party

Coordination for National Cohesion of the Forces for Democratic Change - National Dialogue Delegation

Democratic Party of Western Kurdistan

Syriac Unity Party

Kurdistan National Unity Party

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party

Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party

Syrian Revolutionary Left Wave

Syriac Party