7 Turkish soldiers and policemen killed in retaliatory actions by HRE

HRE stated that the aerial attacks ongoing for two days have mainly targeted civilian settlements, leaving many civilians dead or wounded.

The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) carried out two separate actions on Sunday in retaliation for the deadly Turkish air strikes in Rojava that resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries on Saturday night.

In a statement providing information on their actions, HRE announced the killing of 7 soldiers and policemen of the Turkish state on Sunday.

“The invading Turkish state continues its attacks against our lands unabated. The already ongoing attacks have been escalated by airstrikes in recent days. The aerial attacks ongoing for two days have mainly targeted civilian settlements, leaving many of our citizens martyred or wounded,” said the statement.

Providing details of the two retaliatory actions carried out by their forces on November 20, HRE said that the first action targeted the Öncüpınar Special Operations Police (PÖH) Station in Öncüpınar village of Kilis bordering Syria. One police chief and 3 policemen were killed and 8 others injured as a result.

The second HRE action targeted the Dabiq base in the Marê region, leaving 3 Turkish soldiers dead and 4 others injured.