Balance sheet of the mercenaries’ foiled attacks and the legitimate responses in Manbij

Following the successful completion of the SDF operation, Turkish-jihadist forces escalated their aggression to alleviate the pressure on terrorists and mercenary groups, destabilize the security and stability of Manbij.

Manbij Military Council released a statement providing information about the outcome of the latest wave of attacks on the region. The statement released on Sunday includes the following:

“The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries took advantage of the SDF’s preoccupation with Operation Security Reinforcement, which targeted ISIS cells and the intruding mercenary groups in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor. They launched several attacks on various areas (Manbij, Ain Issa, Tal Abyad, Tal Tamir, and Zarkan). Following the successful completion of the Operation in Deir ez-Zor, the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries escalated their aggressions in an attempt to alleviate pressure our SDF put on terrorists and mercenary groups, destabilize the security and stability of Manbij, and stir up strife and divide their components.

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries employed all dirty tactics, especially media warfare, to undermine the will of our people and the resistance of our fighters. They also used all types of heavy weapons in these attacks, which resulted in civilian casualties and caused massive destruction to their properties and the infrastructure in the areas targeted by the barbaric rocket and artillery bombardment.

Despite facing large-scale attacks that specifically targeted safe civilian areas, resulting in the tragic loss of innocent lives, including children and women, our courageous fighters of the Manbij Military Council demonstrated exceptional valor. They successfully thwarted all the mercenaries’ attempted infiltration, inflicting substantial losses on them. Notably, among the casualties were members of ISIS, which was confirmed by the badges on their clothing.

When our forces effectively foiled all the attempted infiltrations, the Turkish-backed mercenaries turned to treacherous tactics against our comrades. They cowardly targeted the vehicle of our fellow fighter, “Bozan Osman,” a member of the Military Relations Office in our Manbij Military Council, resulting in his martyrdom.

We stand in solemn respect for the sacrifices made by our fighters and their extraordinary courage in opposing the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries. They serve as shining examples of heroism and selflessness, inspiring us all.

We wholeheartedly thank the people of Manbij for their courageous and moral support to our forces. We are also grateful to our steadfast tribes whose contributions played a significant role in foiling the schemes of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries. Additionally, we commend the youth of Manbij for joining the resistance against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our armed forces. They serve as a shining example of young individuals fiercely protective of the honor and dignity of their community.

We, the Manbij Military Council, along with the other defending forces (Revolutionaries Army, the Kurdish Front, the Northern Democratic Brigade, and the al-Bab Military Council), reiterate our unwavering dedication to our people and martyrs. We stand as a steadfast stronghold and vigilant guardian, committed to safeguarding the security and stability of our region. We are resolute in preserving the dignity and freedom of our people against any attempts to compromise or disrupt it. We have full confidence that Manbij and all areas in northern and eastern Syria will continue to be free, secure, and stable, thanks to the sacrifices made by its people.

The recent series of attacks yielded the following outcomes:

Losses inflicted by our forces on the ranks of mercenaries:

53 mercenaries neutralized

127 mercenaries wounded

9 armored vehicles destroyed

6 DShK weapons destroyed

61 mercenary positions targeted by our forces

5 neutralized bodies of mercenaries in the hands of our forces

1 reconnaissance drone downed

Weapons and ammunition seized by our forces:

7 Ak-47 weapons, 2 BKC weapons,1 B7 Launcher, 1 VHF device, 3 B7 shells, 1 VHF radio, 5 AK-47 magazines, 1 BKC weapon bullet box, 1 LAV weapon, 2 drones

Losses sustained by the Syrian regime forces:

1 Syrian regime soldier was killed, 4 others wounded

Civilian casualties at the hands of mercenaries:

5 civilians were martyred, 4 injured and 2 kidnapped by mercenaries

Casualties among our forces:

3 of our fighters were martyred and 6 others wounded.

The targeted villages include Kawkli, Um Adasa, Al-Yashli, Arab Hassan, Mohsenli, Aoun Al-Datat, Alaqana, Yalni, Buiheg, Al-Bogaz, Al-Sayada, Muhaimida, Al-Tukhar, Al-Jat, and Kohiok.

During the attacks on the Manbij countryside, an IED detonated in a car belonging to the Internal Security Forces while on routine patrol in the villages, resulting in the martyrdom of four members.”