Girê Spî Military Council clears occupied areas of mines and explosive devices

The Girê Spî Military Council, which carries out mine search and scanning activities in areas liberated from the mercenaries of the Turkish state, is clearing the territory of the mines left behind by ISIS.

The Turkish army and its mercenaries continue to bomb areas in the Girê Spi canton and Ain Issa district on the front lines of Northern and Eastern Syria, and the attacks cause material damage and loss of life.

The damage in these areas is not directly limited to artillery, and a large number of artillery shells land in the area. Because some devices do not explode, they often end up endangering children's lives later on.

Dozens of civilians lost their lives in the bombing carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenaries. Two of the dead were children, Mistefa and Adi El-Ehmed, who were killed as a result of the Turkish bombing.

Girê Spi Military Council removes the remnants of these explosive devices to protect the lives of civilians, as well as to respond to attacks on the region.

Wisam El-Omer, spokesperson of the Girê Spî Military Council, told ANHA that "hundreds of shells were found in the villages of El-Fatse and El-Dibisin Ain Issa, as well as in the El-Xalidiyê and Erîde districts, and in the areas close to the battle lines. These devices were destroyed."

Wisam El-Omer, who said that the Turkish army and its mercenaries even targeted the bomb disposal expert teams while they are removing the shells, called on Russia, which is the guarantor, to take a serious stance against the bombing.

Since the Turkish state and its mercenaries began to occupy the Girê Spî canton on 9 October 2019, dozens of people, including women and children, have been killed and dozens injured.